小靜齋主人馬壽華(一八九三~一九七七),字木軒,安徽渦陽人。民前一年河南法政學堂畢業後,進入司法界服務,其後跟隨中央政府來臺,續任公職、教職。馬氏愛好書畫創作,復策劃成立中國書法學會,為書壇貢獻心力。其行草書不止於一家之學,從東晉二王到清劉墉,多方面臨寫取益。此幅書錄白居易詩,落筆瀟灑自然,頗得米芾靈活之風,而無其強悍的氣息。本幅為馬漢寶先生捐贈。(20110407)&* Ma Shou-hua (style name Muxuan), a native of Woyang, Anhui, was owner of the Xiaojing Studio. In 1910 he graduated from the Henan School of Law and Politics, entering the legal profession. He later followed the Nationalist government to Taiwan and served in office and as a teacher. Ma was also fond of painting and calligraphy, planning the Taiwan Chinese Calligraphy Society and being a major contributor to the calligraphy scene. His semi-cursive script did not stop with one master as he studied many styles from the Two Wangs (Eastern Jin) to Liu Yong (Qing), copying to achieve their virtues. In this transcription of Bai Juyi poetry (donated by Mr. Ma Han-pao), the brushwork is natural and unrestrained, much in Mi Fu’s spirit, but without the intrepidness.(20110407)